We are pleased to introduce you to Dr Tobias Witte, attorney-at-law. Dr Witte is a lawyer, specialist lawyer for medical law and partner in the nationwide medical law firm KWM LAW. Dr Witte will provide legal support to ICARUS e.V. and its members with immediate effect. He offers non-binding legal advice for members, which includes a free initial consultation. So if you have any legal questions, especially in the field of health law in the broadest sense, please contact him. All you need to do is send an e-mail to witte@kwm-law.de with a brief description of your problem or question and state that you are a member of ICARUS e.V.. If you would like to mandate our legal advisor further after the free initial assessment, the remuneration for Dr Witte’s services would be based on the statutory fees in accordance with the German Lawyers’ Fees Act (RVG). Dr Witte’s expertise covers the entire field of health and medical law on the part of a wide variety of medical service providers (doctors, dentists, medical practices, medical care centres, hospitals).
We are pleased to be able to offer you this service.